
Showing posts from October, 2024

What does Noah, his family and the ark symbolize?

  In typology. What does Noah, his family and the ark symbolize? Before saying anything, I will want to reason that typology tries to co-relate events and people in the Old Testament with occurrences (antitypes) in the New Testament. There are several types that appear in the bible and are vividly confirmed by the New Testament, those are sure types, yet there are others that we will find in the OT that are provable in the NT but not spoken of by the bible. In the latter, we need to be very careful as we ascribe meaning because faltering is very easy. With Noah, his family and the ark, though it is commonly interpreted as prefiguring Christ, the faithful remnant or the Church, and the salvation in Christ, I do not find an all-inclusive reference to that in the New Testament except for some aspects. Below is what I could find in the NT: 1.       1 Peter 3:20-21 : Typology of the flood and ark as prefiguring baptism and salvation in Christ. 2.       Hebrews 11:7 : Noah’s faith in

Why Idolatry?

  Why Are People Drawn to Idolatry Even with the Knowledge of the One and Only True God? People often worship idols even when they know about the one true God. This is a complicated issue that the Bible talks about in many places. It happens because of several reasons related to human nature, sin, cultural influences, and the attraction of idolatry. Here are some important biblical and theological reasons why people turn to idol worship even when they know the truth:   1. Human Sinfulness and Rebellion against God In Romans 1:18-25, Paul explains why people turn to idols even though they know about God. He says that people "suppress the truth" because of their unrighteousness. Even though God's nature and power are clear in creation, people choose not to honor Him or thank Him, and their hearts become darkened. Romans 1:21-23 : "For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and the

Our Partnership Invitation

Join Us in Transforming Lives in East Africa! 🌍 Dear Friends, We hope this message finds you well and full of joy! As a family—my wife, our kids, and I—we are privileged to be full-time missionaries in East Africa with the missionary movement YWAM, passionately dedicating ourselves to making a lasting impact through the Gospel. We travel nearly every month to various regions in East Africa, teaching in Discipleship Training Schools , Schools of Biblical Studies, churches, and globally through Online mentorship programs with GlobalRize equipping believers to grow deeper in their faith and purpose. This year, we’re especially excited to be pioneering a School of Biblical Studies at YWAM Mombasa , where we’re based. This initiative will empower a new generation of leaders and disciples with the tools to study, teach, and share the Bible accurately, bringing transformation to families, communities, and nations! But this journey requires more than just us—it needs partners who sha