
Showing posts with the label Spiritual Edification

Why wouldn't God defeat Satan once and for all?

Why wouldn't God defeat Satan once and for all? { The idea behind this article popped up as I was reading Loren Cunningham’s book, Making Jesus Lord. It is a great book that I would admonish any Christian to read. } Throughout history, humanity has grappled with the profound concepts of good and evil. These fundamental forces shape our beliefs, actions, and perceptions of the world around us. Many seek answers to the age-old question of why evil exists in a world created by a benevolent God. By delving into the rich tapestry of scripture, we can gain insight into the mystery of good and evil and uncover the divine plan that underpins our existence. Join us on a spiritual journey as we explore the complexities of morality, free will, redemption, and the ultimate triumph of goodness over darkness through the lens of sacred texts. 1. The Nature of Good and Evil in Scripture The Bible teaches us about the nature of good and evil, shedding light on why evil persists alongsi

Is Jesus Christ Alive?

 Is Jesus Christ Alive? Throughout history, the question of whether Jesus Christ is alive has been a topic of great debate. For believers, the resurrection of Jesus is a fundamental tenet of faith and serves as proof of his divinity. Skeptics, on the other hand, demand concrete evidence to substantiate such claims. In this article, we will briefly explore the historical evidence, archaeological discoveries, scriptural references, and the significance of Jesus' resurrection to shed light on this age-old question. 1. Historical Evidence of Jesus' Resurrection The historical evidence surrounding Jesus' resurrection is vast and compelling. The accounts of his resurrection are attested not only in the Bible but also in various non-Christian sources of the time. Roman historian Tacitus, for instance, wrote about the crucifixion of Jesus under the authority of Pontius Pilate. Josephus, a Jewish historian, also mentioned Jesus' crucifixion and reported that he appeared alive to
  Meet the Ndine Family Our Story Hello! We are the Ndine family—Steve, Sharon, and our precious children, Shalom & Shammah. We are Kenyans, currently transitioning back from Uganda. We are full-time volunteer missionaries in East Africa working with a mission organization called YWAM (Youth With A Mission) and currently based in Mombasa, coastal Kenya. Our journey has been one of faith, transformation, and a deep commitment to serving God and His people. Our Ministry Our calling is to equip and disciple believers, helping them grow in their knowledge of the Bible and their relationship with God. We are involved in several ministries, each aimed at strengthening the body of Christ and spreading the Good News. 1. Discipleship Training Schools (DTS) We formerly were leading a discipleship school program here in Kenya and now we actively teach and mentor in DTS programs in Kenya and Uganda. These schools bring together participants from various nationalities, creating a diverse and en

A Journey of Spiritual Growth: Building Intimacy with the Holy Spirit

  A Journey of Spiritual Growth: Building Intimacy with the Holy Spirit Intro Building a relationship with the Holy Spirit is a transformative journey that enhances our spiritual growth, bringing us closer to understanding God's purpose for our lives. This journey requires dedication, prayer, and devotion, and it leads to a fulfilling connection with the divine that enriches every aspect of our existence. Embarking on this spiritual adventure involves deliberate steps, each bringing us closer to the Holy Spirit and deepening our understanding and love for God. Let's explore these steps to cultivate a more intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. Understanding the Role of the Holy Spirit in Your Life The Holy Spirit plays a crucial and dynamic role within our spiritual journey, acting as our guide, comforter, teacher, and source of power for transformation. Acknowledging the presence of the Holy Spirit is the foundational step toward a deeper spiritual connection. He is